One cannot possibly know someone curious enough in every city. Should you be on the lookout for photo-prone streets, a tea salon enthusiast, or leading a pack of curious travelers, a greeter will take you on a hike through Toulouse as a friend would, but better !
You'll meet a great person : Greeters are passionate about their city and meeting other people.
They volunteer to share their view on Toulouse with people from all over the world : you'll be living an alternate experience from far away !
A welcoming tradition
A Greeter is the one who greets. This concept was born in New York, and you can now experience this all over the planet, including in Toulouse.
You will discover places even the hardcore travelers don't even know !
The Toulouse Greeter project is rich of surprises, and helps visitors find alternate and cultural practices in the Pink City.
You will share a worldwide philosophy ! This is a planetary network, destinations offered by IGA all share the same fundamental values, making the world a better place.
Your micro adventure is just one click away : try it out !
Helping us
This is a freewill, non-profit adventure ; you can help us with a donation, even small.
The association named Toulouse Greeters being recognised as a not-for-profit organisation, it is allowed to emit tax receipts. If you are paying income tax in France, we will be able to provide you with such a receipt for donations of 5 euros or more. To allow for creation of such a receipt, you have to provide a postal address when completing the donation process.
Thanks in advance !
To know more : donating to associations ( : text in French). You may also check out the infographic below. 100€ donated will enable a direct tax deduction of 66€ over your total French income tax. If you do not pay income tax in France, we will not be able to provide you with a tax deduction, but still welcome any donation !

Infographics : studio.v2 via Le Parisien